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Quick Read

Retaining talent with wellbeing

The Great Resignation is here: 40% of the global workforce are thinking of quitting their jobs.

In the midst of the Great Resignation and a new hybrid workplace, organisations face a unique challenge to attract and retain the best talent.

Employees won’t simply be won over by a high salary—they’re looking for better benefits, work-life balance, and a sense of inclusion and purpose at work.

It’s up to HR leaders to create a winning talent acquisition and retention strategy by putting employee wellbeing first.

In this quick read you'll learn:

  • The elements of your company culture that make the biggest difference to current and prospective employees
  • How a successful wellbeing strategy gives you an upper hand in retaining and attracting the top talent
  • The importance of creating a culture of empowerment and inclusion for both in-person and remote employees
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